Here's just a small sampling of what happens in Men & Ladies of Honor as well as some of the awards and recognition given to our students:

Men of Honor Camp Highlight Video

The highlight of every year are the one weekend camps. Here is a highlight video that gives a glimpse into what a camp weekend is like!


Ladies of Honor Axioms

Every club meeting begins and ends with the Axioms. These are recited in a start and respond format. The first challenge for any Man or Lady of Honor is to memorize the axioms and be able to recite them solo. When they do so, they receive their Men or Ladies of Honor T-Shirt.

Commissioning of Coulton Daust

Coulton Daust is the first member of the Muskegon Honor Guard. To be a part of the Honor Guard, a student must complete eight books and the accompanying work books, earn multiple badges, be able to recite "The Fellowship of the Unashamed” and have shown himself worthy of being a young leader in Men of Honor. Coulton Daust was our first Michigan student to do so! Upon completion of all these things, that students is commissioned as a full Man or Lady of Honor. Congrats Coulton!


Camp commander award

At the end of each camp, one student is chosen to receive the Camp Commander Award. This award goes to the Man or Lady of Honor who has most exhibited qualities of leadership, excellence and servanthood during each annual camp. This is the presentation of one of these awards to a very deserving young lady!